@article{oai:iuhw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000166, journal = {国際医療福祉大学紀要, Bulletin of International University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Dec}, note = {牛乳アレルギーによるアトピー性皮膚炎患児抹消血リンパ球に各種牛乳蛋白成分を抗原とするIL-2反応性が誘導され、この反応を調節している因子はp-75 IL-2レセプターと関連があることを示した。健康者リンパ球をα-caseinで培養して得られた細胞上清は凡そ1/3の確率で患者のα-casein IL-2反応性を抑制した。, IL-2 responsiveness was induced in lymphocytes from patients with cow's milk hypersensitivity specifically on stimulation with α-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin, β-lactogloblin and α-casein. The frequencies of the responses were 86% with α-lactalbumin, 67% with bovine serum albumin, 58% with β-lactoglobulin and 50% with α-casein. There was no correlation between the intensity of the induced responsiveness and the specific IgE RAST scores of the sera. Although healthy infants and early pre-school children showed some responsiveness, it was usually weaker than that of atopic children. This in vitro lymphocyte phenomenon can be used to identify the etiological allergen and to monitor the clinical activity of atopic diseases. Expression of p-75-, but not p-55-IL-2 receptors, was specifically generated on patient lymphocytes stimulated with α-casein. We further investigated regulatory mechanisms of the α-casein induced IL-2 responsiveness. The medium supernatant collected from a 5 day culture of lymphocytes from healthy subjects stimulated with α-casein suppressed the IL-2 responsiveness of lymphocytes from patients but not the mite-induced IL-2 responsiveness of the same lymphocytes. The culture medium supernatant from patient lymphocytes stimulated with α-casein did not show a suppressive effect on the induction of IL-2 responsiveness. These results indicate that the culture medium supernatant lymphocytes from healthy subjects stimulated with α-casein contained factor(s) that specifically regulate α-casein-induced IL-2 responsiveness and that the regulatory function of patient lymphocytes exerted on the induced IL-2 responsiveness was impaired.}, pages = {25--34}, title = {アトピー性皮膚炎患児におけるリンパ球の抗原特異的IL-2反応性の誘導と調節}, volume = {3}, year = {1998} }