@article{oai:iuhw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000119, issue = {2}, journal = {国際医療福祉大学紀要, Bulletin of International University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Jul}, note = {目的:本研究は,国際生活機能分類(ICF)の環境因子を用いて高齢者の環境を測定することを試みた。方法:介護保険を利用している305名の高齢者を対象に,ICF環境因子の第5章「サービス・制度・政策」が生活機能に影響を及ぼすかを調査した。その際の評価尺度としてICF Qualifierの促進因子を用いた。分析方法として,度数,Item Indexおよび項目応答理論の一手法であるRasch法を使用し,それらを比較検討することで,それぞれの環境因子が高齢者の生活機能にどの程度影響を及ぼすかを測定するとともに,ICF Qualifierを用いた高齢者の環境測定の妥当性を検討した。結果・考察:ICF環境因子の第5章のうち,最も促進的な影響を及ぼす環境因子は「社会保障サービス・制度・政策」であった。さらに測定方法の検討では,幾つかの問題が残されたものの,ICF Qualifierを用いて評価・測定することの可能性が示唆された。, Objective: To assess the environmental factors of the elders, this study evaluated the applicability of the International Classification of functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Subjects: Elders 65 and over, recipients of long-term care insurance services. Method: The effect of Services, Systems and Policies (chapter 5) of ICF was assessed on 305 elders (Age average: 79.8, SD:8.9) by using facilitator qualifier of the ICF. The distribution of each item and the item index, as defined by the average occurrence of the facilitator, was analyzed to describe the effect of environmental factors on the elders with the result of location parameter and fit statistics of Rasch measurement techniques. Result: Items of ICF chapter 5 were shown to have spectrum of item difficulty, from less difficult item, such as, "social security service, a system, and a policy" (e570: Location=-2.10) and to more difficult item, such as labor and employment (e590: Location=2.69). The location parameter and the item index showed high correlation (R=0.99, P<0.001). Conclusion: The ICF environmental factors with low location statistics and high item index were suggestive of high accessibility of high necessity for the elders. This study showed the possibility and some problems regarding the measurement of the ICF environmental factor using the facilitator qualifier.}, pages = {5--17}, title = {国際生活機能分類による環境因子測定の試み-サービス・制度・政策-}, volume = {10}, year = {2005} }