@article{oai:iuhw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001184, author = {落合, 佳子 and Ochiai, Yoshiko and 桑野, 美夏子 and KUWANO, Mikako and 田中, 照美 and TANAKA, Terumi and 王, 麗華 and WANG, Lihua}, issue = {1}, journal = {国際医療福祉大学学会誌, Journal of the International University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Feb}, note = {目的:介護支援専門員の視点から介護度の低い要介護 1 の認知症(認知機能低下者を含む)在宅療養者に対する訪問看護導入の実態を明らかにする. 方法:北関東地区の介護支援専門員 4,572 人を対象に要介護 1 で認知症を有する利用者に関して訪問看護導入とその影響を調査した.質問紙の回収は 1,444 人(32.9%).訪問看護「導入群」「未導入群」に分け解析した. 結果:本調査の認知症の在宅療養者は,訪問看護を導入しない利用者が多かった.訪問看護「導入群」の特徴として「未導入群」に比し女性および認知症薬の服用が少なかった(p<0.05).訪問看護の導入理由として「セルフケアができない」「家族が困っていた」が多かった.また,訪問看護「導入群」は「未導入群」に比し,「病状」「認知機能」「生活状況」「家族の不安」の改善を介護支援専門員が認識していた(p<0.05). 結論:要介護 1 の認知症者在宅療養者に訪問看護を導入することで,生活や家族の不安を維持改善することが示唆された., Purpose: To clarify the effects of introducing a visiting nursing system for dementia patients (including those with cognitive impairments) in long-term care level 1. Methods: We surveyed care managers regarding their opinions on the introduction and effects of a visiting nursing system. The study sample included 4,572 care managers in the North Kanto region. Among these participants, 1,444 (31.6%) returned the questionnaire. We divided the participants into two groups for the analysis: those who agreed with introducing the visiting nursing system (IVN) and those who did not (nIVN). Results: The number of participants who favored the introduction of the visiting nursing system was smaller than the number of participants who opposed the introduction of the visiting nursing system. As compared to the nIVN group, the IVN group comprised of a significantly lower number of women and those taking dementia medications (p<0.05). Some of the reasons that the IVN group cited were that patients were “unable to care for themselves” and “struggling with family members.” Furthermore, the care manager recognized that “medical condition,” “cognitive functions,” “living conditions,” and “anxiety due to family” were significantly improved in the IVN group versus the nIVN group (p<0.05). Conclusion: The findings suggest that the introduction of a visiting nursing system for dementia patients in long-term care level 1 would maintain and improve “living conditions” and “anxiety due to family.”}, pages = {103--112}, title = {要介護1の認知症在宅療養者に対する訪問看護導入の実態─介護支援専門員の視点から─}, volume = {27}, year = {2022}, yomi = {オチアイ, ヨシコ and クワノ, ミカコ and タナカ, テルミ and オウ, レイカ} }