@article{oai:iuhw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001183, author = {高橋, 汐南 and TAKAHASHI, Yuna and 鈴木, 由美 and SUZUKI, Yumi}, issue = {1}, journal = {国際医療福祉大学学会誌, Journal of the International University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Feb}, note = {目的:10年以上臨床経験のある熟練助産師の分娩の第4要素も踏まえた助産ケアを分析し,新たな知見を得ることを目的とする. 方法:熟練助産師5名に半構造化面接を行い,逐語録をテキスト化し,意味内容の類似性により質的コーディングを行った. 結果:「助産診断の視点 / 診断項目」は2カテゴリー【基盤となる分娩の 3 要素】【教科書通りの助産診断】で構成された.「助産ケアの方針」は3カテゴリー【分娩期に向けた妊娠期からの関係構築】【妊娠期から分娩期までの継続支援】【分娩の影響を受ける育児期まで目を離さない】で構成された.「助産ケアの内容」は【産婦主体のお産をコーディネートする寄り添い方】【分娩に立ち向かう産婦の姿勢をアセスメント】【産婦の対処行動のアセスメントと評価】で構成された.熟練助産師は妊娠期から育児期までの継続ケアを助産ケアの方針とし,基本的な助産診断に基づいたケアを行っていた. 結論:熟練助産師は助産診断の基本を大切にし,対象との信頼関係を基盤に育児期までを見据えた継続ケアを行っていた., Purpose: This study aims to acquire new insights by analyzing midwifery care based on the “fourth element of labor,” which is provided by expert midwives with 10 or more years of clinical experience. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five expert midwives, and these verbatim records were transcribed and underwent qualitative coding according to the similarity of the meanings. Results: “The perspective/item of midwifery diagnosis” consisted of two categories: [Three fundamental elements of labor] and [Textbook case of midwifery diagnosis]. “The policy of midwifery care” consisted of three categories: [Relationship establishment from pregnancy toward the stage of labor], [Continuing support during the period from pregnancy to labor], and [Keeping an eye on parturient women until the child-raising stage impacted by labor]. “The content of midwifery care” consisted of three categories: [How to stay close to parturient women to coordinate a delivery led by them], [Assessment of the attitude of the parturient women facing labor], and [Assessment of the coping behavior of parturient women and Evaluation]. Expert midwives set continuing care from the pregnancy to the child-raising stage as a policy of labor care, and provided care based on the basic midwifery diagnosis. Conclusion: The expert midwives stayed with the basic midwifery diagnosis, and based on their relationship with the subject, implemented continuing care with their eye on the period up to the child-raising stage.}, pages = {92--102}, title = {熟練助産師による分娩の第4要素を踏まえた助産ケア}, volume = {27}, year = {2022}, yomi = {タカハシ, ユナ and スズキ, ユミ} }