@article{oai:iuhw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000101, issue = {1}, journal = {国際医療福祉大学紀要, Bulletin of International University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Jul}, note = {目的:社会福祉におけるニーズとは,要援護者の社会生活上望ましい状態と現状との乖離状態に対し,それを充足させるため必要とされるものと捉えられる。本研究は乖離状態にある脳性マヒ者の性生活に対し,当事者サイドから実態を明らかにすると共に,そこに存在するニーズを導き出すことで,通常の性生活を送るに困難な状況を解決・改善する一つの契機とすると共に,当然あるべき生活の一側面として位置づけられることを目的とする。方法:当事者への非構造化面接手法によるインタビュー調査を通し「個人・環境状況→社会生活ニーズ→サービスニーズ」という手順を踏み,具体的社会資源の利用要求であるサービスニーズを明らかにした。結果:明らかになった性生活ニーズは社会資源の分類枠組みに分類してみると,それが可能であった。つまり,性生活は生活の一部に位置づけられるといえる。一方で,既存の支援の枠組みからは抜け落ちている現状が浮き彫りとなった。, Objective: The "needs" in the field of social welfare should be identified as the means to fill the gap between a person's present state and the desirable one in the light of his/her social life. This study is to make clear the actual condition of the patients suffering from cerebral palsy, and to further pursue to identify the sexual needs they have from their own point of view. This needs analysis should be recognized as an opportunity to clarify the difficult estranged situation of their actual sex life. In order to solve or improve the sex life of the handicapped, the goal of this study is the ascertainment of the sexual needs as an indispensable facet of their life. Methods: The non-structured interview technique had been adopted when interviewing the handicapped.The phases of its analyzing process are: (1) state of the individual and his/her environment, (2) his/her needs in social life, and (3) his/her service needs. The interview analysis has clarified the service needs to meet the request for concrete social resources. Conclusion: There is a possibility to fulfill the sexual needs for the physically handicapped based on the analysis of social resource properties. In other words, sexual needs can be stated as an important part of one's life, and yet the support for the sex life has long been ignored in reality.}, pages = {13--27}, title = {身体障害者の性生活支援における一考察}, volume = {12}, year = {2007} }